Fingerings for Smarties*

Here's where things get really good. I bet you've been noticed that there are keys you haven't even used yet, and you wonder if they are really ever used. Well THEY ARE, and NOW will be one of those times!

Some of these keys are for alternate fingerings. These can be used for the reasons such as:
  • Intonation. Some alternates are flatter or sharper and sound better in particular intonation settings.
  • Ease of use. Some melodic lines can be a wee bit tricky with normal fingers, and this is when alternates come in to save the day!
There are also the "flick" keys. These keys are T2 and T1 according to most fingering charts, and are the upper right thumb keys in the left hand. For notes A to D on the top of the staff, these keys are pressed then released (different one depending on note), to facilitate the air and the instrument making these pitches. Isn't Bassoon crazy?! As a clarinet native i sure think so.

There is also such thing as half and quarter holes! Incredible! Its a simple concept really. Some notes, like G, require the first finger to be rolled back to allow this note to speak best. The G# requires an even greater roll back, so only a bit of the finger still covers the hole. Don't roll all the way off tho, that would be no-holing!

There you have it! You are so close to being a pro i can almost smell it!

*no i don't think you are a kind of candy